i. Sapere Aude the color red in blue ridge skies where the estrangement of ideas and the familiarization of strangers intersect. we learn what we dare to know.
ii. Unit 1 a dive into the deep end names are the only label we are not stripped of we challenge authority with the Head she teaches us what we do not know about knowing.
iii. Unit 2 man-made destruction language is no longer sufficient enough we orbit around Truth and the sun he teaches us how we know what we know.
iv. Unit 3
of communication
melancholia, where you can't quite explain-
half-formed sentences and bodies
subjectivity in objectivity
the value of a picture-
a thousand words? more?
which ones?
we understand
that which we cannot know.
v. Unit 4
i own you
and myself
on my own
slaving away for justice
under the pale white sun
the right way to do a revolution wrong
chained to involuntary servitude
we know
what we must understand.
vi. Unit 5
Performance space
never replicated
never the same
Recordings of dance, becoming
Once they are over
The Last Supper at Uncle Tom’s Cabin
The Promised Land
Bill T. Jones promises us
To move
Is to know.
vii. Unit 6
A b s t r a c t
Filling in the gaps
Filling out the mind
To find the science
Of art
We get the impression
Of impressionism, reducing
Our core experiences to reductionism
We paint a picture of
What we know.
viii. Unit 7
Poetry in motion
Sorrow for a past they don’t realize the history of
Narratives overlapping in the state of a State
Legal murder with
a touch of nostalgia
We acknowledge
What we do not know.
ix. Unit 8
The painting of a photograph
Blurred in memory
A twisted smile of a story
Killing capitalism one ex-Nazi at a time
A crime to create confrontation
Three generations of terrorists, gathering their crop
But at some point these atrocities should just stop.
we finally see
The luxury to know.